Oil & gas
- AGIP (Italy)
- Elf Geoscience Research Center (UK)
- European Commission – THERMIE Program
- Geostock (France)
- IFP (France)
- Norsk Hydro (Norway)
- Total (France)
- Total Exploration Production (France)
- ADEME (France)
- ANTEA (France)
- BURGEAP (France)
- CEA (France)
- Centre d’Hydrogéologie, Univ. de Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
- CNRSSP (France)
- CSD Ingénieurs Conseils SA (Switzerland)
- Communauté Urbaine de Lyon (France)
- EDF-Recherche (France)
- Gaz de France – Direction immobilière (France)
- GDF SUEZ (France)
- GESTER (France)
- ICF Environnement (France)
- INERIS (France)
- IRSN (France)
- ISSeP (Belgium)
- LECES Environnement (France)
- Office Fédéral de l’Environnement, de la Forêt et du Paysage (Switzerland)
- SITA Remediation (France)
- SPAQuE (Belgium)
- URS France
Geological disposal of nuclear and hazardous wastes
- ANDRA (France)
- Geostock (France)